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Storage Tips for Holiday Décor

Holiday Décor Storage

It’s time to pack away your memories. The 2017-2018 holiday season is over and if you still haven’t stored your holiday décor, it’s time to get packing. At Storage Quarters, we know that it’s a lot more difficult to take down your decorations than it is to put them up and we also know you want to make the process be as quick and efficient as possible. That’s why we want to share some tips with you on how to put those decorations away so you can create new memories with them 11 months from now.

Clever Ways to Pack Decorations Away

Sometimes you don’t have to buy a whole lot of packing material to successfully store your items. If you’re looking to pack away small ornaments, putting them in egg cartons will keep them safe for their hibernation, according to Good Housekeeping. Those cartons are designed to prevent eggs from breaking, so they’ll keep your ornaments safe as well.

For bigger ornaments, you can use those cardboard drink containers you get from fast food joints. Or use apple containers from the supermarket. Hold onto those plastic gift containers as well. Pack them with tissue paper and they’re perfect to store fragile decorations like the star on top of your tree or nativity figures.

Storing Your Christmas Tree

Taking down your Christmas tree can present a number of storage problems. If you have an artificial tree you can have a lot of bulky parts to store. Angie’s List recommends getting a tree bag, preferably a heavy duty bag with handles, so you can handle the weight easier. Another way to make transporting trees less difficult is to put them in a large container that has wheels on the bottom. You’ll be able to move the tree out of the room easier. Utilizing our simplified interior storage units can be a convenient way to store your tree after the holidays.

Taking Care of Business Displays

Not everyone who puts up holiday displays is doing it at their home. Many of the most impressive holiday displays come from the business and retail world. Businesses have their own storage problems. Very often they have larger trees and it’s difficult to decorate them and run your shop at the same time. Commercial decorator Amibus suggests getting a pre-decorated tree. This will save you time and headaches. Storing Christmas lights can also be time-consuming for many businesses, so it’s a good idea to consider installing the lights in sections so you can keep them on the tree when you pack it for storage.

Another tip to make decorating and storage easier for commercial use is to wire ornaments to the branches and make bows out of wired ribbon as they are easily scrunched up during storage.

Storage Quarters Will Handle All Your Storage Needs

Whether it’s storing holiday decorations or your business records, Storage Quarters is the place to turn when you need safe, secure storage. We provide self-storage services as well as on-demand storage and we also offer document security services such as records management, scanning, and shredding. To learn more, contact our storage specialists today.